I'm afraid I just couldn't resist. I held off as long as I could... but I had to post some of my outside work/photography. I will be gentle and posts them in spurts, starting with PHOTOGRAPHY :) Now I am completely new too this field, although I have always had a GREAT amount of admiration and interest in it. I do plan to master it eventually, and although these are by no means masterpieces, I am excited about our start. O.. and when I say "our" I am referring to me and my business partner Aaron Jones, we are the creators of R.A.D. Raw Aesthetic Designs L.L.C... We do flyers, T-Shirt designs, Tattoo designs, and last but not least.. Photography :/ If you are a photographer, or currently in a photography class feel FREE to leave pointers. I am still struggling to perfect lighting, and getting my pictures "nose hair" clear.

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