Its been long over due for me to dust off my keys and type up another blog. I've been pretty busy, but I haven't made time to write about it. Here's a shoot I did almost 2 weeks ago with one of my beautiful muses, Alysa. These was shot with my Nikon, but I also got some great shots with my canon film camera. My aim was to capture motion, like in the top one, but I found the bottom one to be absolutely stunning. At first my fear was that the shadows were to distracting, but I found a beauty the way they angle across her, complimenting her pose. These shots are all about the intensiveness of her eyes, looking directly at the camera. To get the correct exposure, these shots required a quick shutter speed, and a shallow depth of field. I feel this shoot produced shots that made leaps and bounds from our first shoot together long ago.
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